Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Students with TVs in their rooms fare poorly

A new study says that students who have televisions in their rooms don't do as well academically. Follow this link to the Baltimore Sun story.


andrea said...

Well, I know that's is a bunch of bull. I have a TV in my room and I do pretty darn well-if I do say so myself...

andrea said...

Kids just need to learn how to manage their time;when to do homework and study,and when to relax and watch TV. It's not so much if the TV is in there room or not, but whether or not they're doing what they are supposed to be doing.
During the school year I watch TV in my room-a lot-but when say 8 o'clock comes around I do my homework till it's done and whatever else I need to do. But,say,it's a looooooong important assignment I start on it when I get home and I don't worry about what's on television. I might take a break for a little while, but I leave enought time to get whatever I was doing.
So, whether or not a TV's in the kid's room they can still do just as good as the super smart kid in school that devotes all his/her time to studying and doesn't know the difference between USA and VH1.

andrea said...

Are you even reading these?

Randy said...

I read every word of every post, Andrea. I enjoy reading these as much as I did your papers during the school year, and that was always one of my favorite parts of the job.

Randy said...

We need to get more people posting, though.

andrea said...

I know we need more people posting. I've been telling Callie,Hock,Ashley K., and (I think) I told Mariah...But for some reason they aren't posting. Maybe they don't want to create a blogspot to post?
Hey, what about the whole drug-testing issue? Am I the only one really upset by it? I did a search about it not too long ago, but I couldn't find anything good...

andrea said...

I don't have to be a drug user to know when my rights are being violated. Your ignorance annoys me.Don't you dare say anything bad about Hock. And possibly, for the first time in awhile I agree with "michael".

Randy said...

Now that we have brought Michael and Andrea together on at least one subject, I am going to work on getting the Israelis and the Palestinians together. Nothing is impossible.