Monday, July 18, 2005

Is Harry Potter evil?

The Harry Potter books, along with "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings," and other books are among books that have been banned at different schools across the country.
Read the article at:


andrea said...

I have alway been upset with people banning/wanting to ban Harry Potter. It's FICTION! Shouldn't parents and teachers alike be glad that kids want to read at all nowadays? And HUCKLEBERRY FINN???? Are you serious? Of all the things we should be concerned and worrying our selves over, they choose to worry over a BOOK? A CHILDREN'S BOOK? What is this world coming to? Have the people that are accusing these books of being evil, ever even read the books? And if nobody's noticed throughout the HP series it's been nothing but trying to DEFEAT evil!!! Sometimes people's ignorance really irritates me.

Randy said...

I am in total agreement with you, Andrea. What is incredible is that people worry, rightfully, about how young people hate to read. Now we find something they like to read, so people try to get rid of it.

Anonymous said...

I think that baninng Harry Potter books, because they are about wizards witches, and cults, is completely stupid, because this days some kids don't have enough imagination. My opinion is Harry Potter books can be "a medicine" for your imagination.