Students at Thomas Jefferson High School have received laptops they can use at school and home as the independent school continues to improve its technological offerings.
But is this a good thing for education?
A New York Times article indicates there is no evidence that laptops improve grades or education and in fact, are used more often for music, games, and downloading porn:
Matoaca High School just outside Richmond, Va., began eliminating its five-year-old laptop program last fall after concluding that students had failed to show any academic gains compared with those in schools without laptops. Continuing the program would have cost an additional $1.5 million for the first year alone, and a survey of district teachers and parents found that one-fifth of Matoaca students rarely or never used their laptops for learning. “You have to put your money where you think it’s going to give you the best achievement results,” said Tim Bullis, a district spokesman.
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