Monday, May 28, 2007

Neosho school district adopts stronger dress code

Today's Joplin Globe features an article about the revised, much stricter, dress code adopted last week by the Neosho R-5 Board of Education:

Clothing and other accessories that will be prohibited under the new dress code include:

- Torn, cut or tattered clothing.

- Clothes that advertise or display alcohol, drugs, tobacco, nudity or double-meaning slogans.

- Trench coats or long jackets.

- Unnatural hair coloring, such as fuchsia, green or blue.

The revised dress code also mandates that all shirts, tops and dresses have sleeves, defined as passing the shoulder, and that all shorts, pants, dresses and skirts be no shorter than three inches above the knee. Skirts and dresses with slits higher than three inches above the knee are not allowed.

Check out the comments at the bottom of the story, including this one:

Of course the school board based this on evidence that these changes will somehow reduce some undesirable behavior other than old people not liking unnatural hair color. I hope the 50 something teachers who color their hair to an UNNATURAL color (if it's grey, that's nature baby!) will be held to the same standard. And for the male teachers... the toupee has to go too! They should model appropriate behaviors for the kids. Here come the socialists!

How do you feel?

1 comment:

andrea said...

"- Clothes that advertise or display alcohol, drugs, tobacco, nudity or double-meaning slogans.

- Trench coats or long jackets"

Well, duh!
The skirt thing, alright. I guess. But uuh..the hair coloring thing I've always thought was stupid. And torn or tattered clothing just happens. Unless it's vulgar and showing [ewww] then no, but otherwise, who cares?