Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Illinois school district to monitor student blogs

It's a policy that seems to be crying for a lawsuit.
The Libertyville, Ill., School District Board voted unanimously Monday to begin monitoring student blogs and have students who participate in extracurricular activities sign a pledge agreeing that any type of "illegal or inappropriate" activity on the net can be grounds for disciplinary action.
Please read the Associated Press article.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a total invasion of privacy. If the kid writes in their blog at home it is not the school's business. If the teachers are looking around on a blog site and see one of the student's blogs, that is okay, as long as they don't use anything the student says against the student. If the teacher is actually looking for a certain student's blog so that they can use what it says against the student, that is an invasion of privacy.