Wednesday, October 05, 2005

'Small Town News' now available through Books-A-Million

Today was a pretty exciting day for me. After my seventh hour class ended at 3 p.m., I went downstairs to check the mail slots in the counselor's office. I noticed a UPS box and it contained my 10 free copies of "Small Town News."
It is hard to describe the feeling; after 35 years of just dreaming of being in print, I can now hold a book with my name on the cover and (unfortunately) my picture on the back cover.
Things have been moving rapidly on the promotional end. One of my former students, Ashley Nickolaisen, a freshman at Diamond High School, e-mailed me earlier this week and asked if I would be interested in speaking at an event being set up by a teen group which was recently formed to draw young people to the Neosho Library. Students from Diamond, East Newton, Neosho, and Seneca are involved. I will have my first book signing there sometime the week of Oct. 16-22 (the date will be set sometime in the next couple of days).
Any of you who think you might be there and be interested in buying a book, let me know so I will know how many to have available that night. If I understand it right, people will also be listening to me speak and the public at large is going to be invited. (Obviously, we will have to check for weapons at the door.)
I also discovered today that, for the first time, "Small Town News' is listed on the Books-A-Million website. So you can order it over the Internet or ask the people at Books-A-Million to order it for you. It will soon be available through the Hastings,, Borders, and WaldenBooks sites, among others. I will update you as I find out more.
I have also been contacted by two area newspapers already for interviews (I will tell you who they are, once the interviews have taken place.) Last weekend, I was interviewed by a reporter for Missouri Southern State University's magazine, "Crossroads."
I will be honest with you, I have been stunned, but deeply gratified, by the high level of interest in this book.


andrea said...

Oh my gosh. This is so exciting. You're becoming a celebrity Mr.Turner. I have scrambled together enough money to buy it, and I'm ready for it to hurry up and get on the shelves. I can't imagine how it must feel to be able to hold your own book- does it feel like you're holding someone else's book? I think it would... I hope one day I can hold my own book. To casually (but, purposely- and not tell anyone) walk by a shelf that my book is on, my own words exposed the world between a hardcover. *sigh*. To dream...

andrea said...

* to the

My bad

andrea said...

Come on, Mr.Turner. You know you like seeing your picture on YOUR book. It's almost as if you're a real author. No, I'm just kidding. You're as real as it gets.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Turner, I congratulate you. You're awesome. Congratulations. I'm proud of you. I should buy you a cake. But really, I'm really proud that you got this book published. It's unreal, though. I kinda don't want you to turn rich, you'll leave! And you can't do that. Tell Steven King to get a haircut. **Skye**