Friday, June 24, 2005

Graduation requirements increased

Graduation requirements for Missouri students have increased. And some new requirements have been added. We talked about this briefly in communication arts last year. Check out the article from the Jefferson City News-Tribune.


andrea said...

Ummm,Mr.Turner,I didn't really understand that article... So, students after 2010 will have to take more classes in math and science in college? (The worst subjects!)

andrea said...

Oh, by the way-I just noticed that the clock (that says when people wrote the comments) is 2 hours off.
I wrote that last comment at 11:39 AM. Not 9:39 AM.

Randy said...

Good news for you guys. Those are additional high school requirements, but they don't take effect until this year's eighth graders go into high school. So these won't affect those of you who graduate in 2008 or 2009.

Randy said...

Yo Mama and Michael Jackson, while I appreciate your comments, please try to keep them on topic.

Randy said...

Thanks, but please keep submitting comments, Michael Jackson. You add a lot to these discussions when you stick to the subject.