Monday, July 20, 2009

Texting common despite school bans

Schools may have rules against texting, but students are ignoring them in greater numbers.

In its latest edition, the Wichita Eagle takes a look at the phenomenon:

It's fairly easy to get away with using a cell phone, especially with teachers who aren't very strict, added Ashton Bethel, a Southeast sophomore.

"You just go under the desk and hide it," she said.

A recent national poll shows that these Wichita-area students are in the majority when it comes to surreptitious cell phone use by teens.

About two-thirds of students who are supposed to keep their phones off use them during the school day anyway, according to an online survey commissioned by Common Sense Media, a California nonprofit that researches how media affects children.

"Even at the junior high level, they're breaking out iPhones," said Bailey Ketterman, who has worked as a substitute teacher at several Wichita-area suburban districts. "It's definitely a widespread problem."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I Think this ashton bethel student is very smart.
I praise her for her texting skills for it can be very helpful during school situations. for example what if her sister needed something? Or what happens if she forgets a homework assignment?
texting is a real life skill unlike algebra 2 and if you can multi-task between idiotic school subjects and real life skills such as secretive communication , then damn your a brilliant effing kid.